
The whole blogging process has me reflecting, reading and researching. Each blog or article I write is personal CPD (and not just working out WordPress!) but I also blog with the intention of self-reflection and self-improvement, and in the hope that my personal experiences, thoughts and suggestions here can help someone else in a similar position. Feel free to get in touch if you want to find out more!

The Power of Innovative School On-boarding: Fueling Engagement and Growth

The challenge of teacher recruitment and retention is a persistent struggle for headteachers globally. At International Schools Partnership (ISP) Malaysia, we’re evolving the way we support, train and retain our incredible teachers and leaders! Welcome to the era where on-boarding is never ‘done.’ It’s a continuous, engaging, transformative journey, not a one-off or one-week event!…

Enter the Festival of Amazing Learning for Continuous Connection and Shared Learning

It’s a wrap, but it is just the beginning! International School Partnership’s inaugural Festival of Amazing Learning feels transformational – it has created a seismic shift in building deeper connections, sharing innovative ideas and has ignited a buzz about learning across Malaysia. Having spent the last couple of years hiding behind a mask, and for…

Rest and recharge

There are many reasons for the school holidays. For me, self-reflection is one. As I rest and recharge in the sunshine here on the…

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#Teacher5aday #Pledge

Time (thank goodness) to say farewell to the Year of the Rat and welcome in the Year of the Ox, the White Metal Ox…

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Talk the talk, walk the walk

Some of my beliefs for successful leadership My classroom door is always open. Two colleagues came to visit my class to look for learning…

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#Teacher5aday #Pledge 2019

My PLN on Twitter and involvement in the #Teacher5aday hashtag – the fabulous dedication of @martynreah – always reminds me to look after my…

Living Overseas – get involved!

Having just come back from the eye opening Thaipusam celebrations it got me thinking about the things I would never have experienced had I…

Sport for mind and body

Sports Day brings everyone together, win or lose, lessons are learned and experiences are shared, memories made and records broken. A successful school Sports…

My 2018 Pledge

2018 is all about getting fit for forty! Everyone I know who has already reached this age or, like me, is close to hitting…

Your wellbeing

Wellbeing continues to be a hot topic in 2017: work demands are high and so to are the number of teachers leaving the profession.…

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Teaching the teachers

Six of our outstanding practitioners taught a lesson to highlight assessment for learning strategies and examples of how to check for progress and understanding.…

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CPD For Free

Our directed pathways are underway and it is not costing a ringgit. The whole school CPD programme covers: Aspiring Leadership; Teaching and Learning Team (Coaching); and, Lesson…

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#15MinForum Lunches

The #BringAndBrag speed dating session was such success it has inspired the next opt-in CPD sessions. There were so many ideas teachers wanted to…

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Risky Business

At my school we are lucky to have amazing students. They are polite, courteous and most are very hard working. Students at Tenby are…

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